Products for the Semi-Nomad
I think I was 8 years old when my father borrowed a stout 4x4 truck with a cab-over camper from a friend. Being the beach grom, i honestly didn't pay much attention to my parents flurry of activity around it that Thursday evening. Cozy in my jammies that evening, mom and dad put me to bed, just like every other evening of my idyllic boys life.
Little did I know that my life would be changed FOREVER!
"What the heck!" I gasped as I awoke the next morning to my bed dropping out from under me. I looked up and the ceiling was inches above my head and then...
I looked out the front window of the cab-over camper and I saw the snow capped Sierra's on the left, the White mountains on the right, and the asphalt roller coaster ribbon underneath me (the old HWY 395). I was changed forever!
So now, 41 years later...I humbly offer you my small selection of products that I hope will make your roller-coaster road to adventure the one that will forever change your life.